Installing latex in mac is very easy if you want to install the full mactex package. But the only problem is it huge in size (~2GB). An alternative way to install the smaller mactex package. This will not install some files which might be needed for your .tex file to compile. If you compile by pdflatex it will give some warning like this ! LaTeX Error: File `footmisc.sty' not found. Type X to quit or to proceed, or enter new name. (Default extension: sty) Then you should paste this command in terminal sudo tlmgr install footmisc collection-fontsrecommended Similarly if pdflatex complain about any other missing .sty file then install that just using the above command. I couldn't install psboxit package in the way I described above. This is because psboxit is an absolute package and it is no longer available from the repository. To install this package i did this . cd /usr/local/texlive/2015basic/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ (In Fedora this path is
1.create a new partition for the linux os.It can be done in mac by going to Finder -> Application ->Utilities -> disk . Use this command to create a live usb stick from which fedora can be installed. "sudo dd if=path-of-the-Fedora-Image-file.iso of=path-of-the-usb-drive bs=512k". Make sure the usb drive is formated with fat32. bs=512k is the safest rate and "diskutil list" command will give the path-of-the-usb-drive (i.e., /dev/rdisk2 ) . dd will not give anyoutput until it completes the writing , so wait for some time (5-10min). Now shutdown laptop and restart it while press the alt/option key. This will give the available boot options. click on fedora icon to start live session. During installation process delete the partition that you have created earlier and "reclaim the space". You should select automatic partiction process. 3. Things to do after installation Update the system via wired connection. This can be